Welcome to Charis!

A school that educates the mind and
shepherds the heart with grace

Open Admission 2025

Sekolah Kristen baru di Jakarta Selatan.
For Preschool and Kindergarten program
(2-6 years old)

Sekolah Kristen baru di Jakarta Selatan

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A Classical Christian School with Discipleship Program

Sekolah Kristen baru di Jakarta Selatan

Why Charis Academy

At Charis, we integrate professional instruction with discipleship program to foster children to develop a personal relationship with God, acknowledge their identity in Christ, and prove the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God in their life. We envision our students to be faithful, confident, joyful, obedient, creative, kind, generous, but also intelligent and strongly motivated to pursue knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Why classical Christian curriculum?

Classical Christian education aims to cultivate virtue and wisdom in students so that they will live for the glory of God, flourishing as human beings and loving both God and neighbor. It pursues these goals through an ordered exploration of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful that is grounded in the liberal arts tradition and that forms students’ affections and the habits of lifelong learning.

Why discipleship program

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (in the ‘paidea’ of the Lord)” (Efesus 6:4).


Charis is a school of discipleship that promotes learning as a process of renewing the mind in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. We are called to equip parents to educate children in the discipline and instruction (paideia) of the Lord. Charis Academy exists to be a transformative learning community, graduating young men and women as thinking, compassionate, and intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Story

Charis Academy is a Christian school focused on providing quality education with Christian values, developing students’ academics, character, and faith to prepare them to become leaders with integrity in the future.



Charis Academy
Sekolah Kristen Klasikal dengan Program Pemuridan

Orang Tua dan pendidik Kristen dipanggil untuk mendidik anak dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan yang benar, yang dapat membawa anak membangun hubungan pribadi dengan Tuhan dan mengenali identitasnya di dalam Kristus. Mengajar dengan anugerah menjadi kunci untuk dapat memperbaharui pikiran sekaligus menggembalakan hati anak.

Christian education is about educating the mind and shepherding the heart with grace.